Geometric Print Sweater


Cardigan: SheIn. Vest: Jag Jeans (similar). Jeans: Zara (similar). Cowl: Gap (similar). Booties: Forever21 (similar). 

I have some big news thinks. Or maybe it's not really huge news.Or I don't know. I have been pretty fickle-minded on many things as of late and it's pretty inconvenient as its timing is during the "most wonderful time of the year." Anyway, wishing everyone a merry holiday season!

My Go-To Winter Shoes


I have been wearing almost the same shoes week after week in a not very me way. I have always been one to dress up, not wear the same pair of shoes twice during the week but lately, I have just been wearing the few same pair of shoes as well as the same two parkas. LOL

Has anybody been into watching Gilmore Girls? I have been watching it since mid-fall semester, when I have down time--which brings me to realize that now that school is over and is hopefully over for a long time, I have all the free time in the world but because of my endless sleep spell, 80% of my free time has been spent napping. Weekends have been 50% less productive than usual and even my blogging is sort of flaky and sorry for that. My writing has been bleh and meh and I feel like my creative juices have been squeezed out of me entirely. I sort of cannot wait for my vacation...sort of.

Cargo Vest

Leggings: LA FAshion District (similar). Top: Cotton On. Hat: Cents of Style. (similar) Boots: Studio Pollini (similar). Vest: Jag Jeans

It feels like forever since I last blogged. As in I don’t even know where to start or what to say first. I’m not going to lie—I did not miss blogging. While I was on my hiatus, it felt like the right thing to stay away from technology at home because I have been living and breathing to it too much in the past few weeks. I am back though. I’m done with finals by the way so life is so much better for me…except that I have to drive 70-80 miles to work now. Never thought I’d be in this position ever again but I am and like the saying goes…suck it up.

Now let's talk about this outfit that I took back when we were still in our old office. Have you ever woken up wanting to wear a very specific outfit on a perfect day and realize that your leggings has a hole on the knee as soon as you put 'em on? No? Okay maybe it's just me. I was feeling creative this one day so I decided to just cut both knees like those destroyed pants at the mall. It worked out well as you can see. Thankfully, the fabrication of my leggings is fleece-like to it's able to take all the stretching pressure I put into it. ;) I must admit though, I am super close to drawing eyes on my knees and pretend that they're ninjas! *excuse me while I think of more silly ideas*