My Go-To Winter Shoes

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I have been wearing almost the same shoes week after week in a not very me way. I have always been one to dress up, not wear the same pair of shoes twice during the week but lately, I have just been wearing the few same pair of shoes as well as the same two parkas. LOL

Has anybody been into watching Gilmore Girls? I have been watching it since mid-fall semester, when I have down time--which brings me to realize that now that school is over and is hopefully over for a long time, I have all the free time in the world but because of my endless sleep spell, 80% of my free time has been spent napping. Weekends have been 50% less productive than usual and even my blogging is sort of flaky and sorry for that. My writing has been bleh and meh and I feel like my creative juices have been squeezed out of me entirely. I sort of cannot wait for my vacation...sort of.