San Diego Weekend

I was not able to take a bunch of pictures on our trip since all we did was go to Barona and stay in our hotel room - yes folks, we got too tired to dress up and go on a night out. Nonetheless, the trip was really fun!

At Costco, before we left.
In front of the Casino.
We do not seem to have a clear shot but this is good enough ( I guess).
Walking to the buffet and at the table! My friends and I love buffets!
Happy tummy smiles :)
We decided to stay in on Saturday night.

Waiting for our food at Cafe 21.
The lovely chandelier at Cafe 21.
My Sunday meal! Rasmimosa, fruits and turkey sausage omelet.
Fifth and F.
Fifth Street.

I felt a little homesick on Sunday. Probably because I was so tired and all I wanted was to go home and stay in bed and nap all day then sleep after ;)

Hope everybody had a great weekend!