Happy Saturday + Sponsor Spotlight

Happy Saturday everyone! This weekend, I'm going to drive to Fontana, CA and hangout with awesome people and most likely play with my friends' teeny tiny less-than-a-month old baby :)
On other news, I'm going to have my first ever Sponsor Spotlight today! Say hi to...
Kara from Styled with Life!

Hey! My name is Kara, and I'm a 20- something just starting out in the blogging world! (I’m really loving it!) I was born in Idaho, have lived up and down the coast of California, but feel most at home in the Bay Area. It’s where I went to college, work, and most importantly where I spend time with my wonderful family and friends.

I love fashion, interior design, bad reality TV, bright colors, neutrals, rom-coms, animals, Kristin Wiig and Keri Russell (just to name a few things!) I’ve come to a place in my life where I’m learning to love the little things and take in every moment. I am constantly reminded of how lucky of a girl I am. I find time for gratitude everyday.

Styled With Life is a “lifestyle blog” where I share my love of fashion, interior design and products I’ve come across. I also love to share tidbits of my life, work, family and friends. I’m also an Independent Stylist for Stella and Dot, which I love and you’ll see a lot of! I’d love for you to stop by my blog, and maybe even stay awhile! I look forward to meeting you!

Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Bloglovin | IndependentStylist for Stella and Dot

Make sure to show Styled with Life some love on her blog! :)

If you already have a spot on my sidebar, and would like to be featured in a post, feel free to send me an email! :)

Have you entered the giveaway?