Life is Good + Giveaway Winner

Happy Friday, lovers!
I have been in and out of the blogger world and I don't like that. But hey, it makes me realize how important blogging is - IT KEEPS ME SANE. I've been busy but I can't complain, life has been pretty good. Shit happens but I believe that God does not give us trials that we cannot handle. :)

A few updates.
Shirt, vest and jeans: Forever21
Shoes: Lucky Brand
Scarf: c/o Harmony of Thistles and Twigs
I have been wearing this scarf at least twice a week!

That's Ron, myself, Mommy, (my sister) Jef and (my sister-in-law), Epi.
Yes, that woman in the middle is not our sister, she's our mom!
Missing our brother-in-law, our (eldest) sister and our nephew and niece.

We've already set up our tree Wednesday night and Ron just bought star for it last night YAY! :)

Oh and how can I forget, the winner of the Facebook Giveaway is...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congrats girl! I will be sending you an email soon so keep an eye out! :)