It's Okay Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
Here or Here
It's okay to get jealous of your husband whose fitness goal is the totally opposite of yours.

It's okay to eat whatever you want sometimes. Stop making yourself feel guilty.

It's okay to see that you gained a pound after eating out for two days. It's water weight, honey.

It's okay to not buy new clothes. Isn't that surprising? I did not buy any new clothes in January! No new nail polishes either. Yay me! ;)

It's okay to cheer for yourself.

It's okay to sneak in some Cookie Butter in your diet. According to a study, sweets make you feel happy.

It's okay to run the dryer before you go to sleep and wait till tomorrow when you get home after work to fold the clothes. LOL Or am I the only one?

It's okay to not blog ALL the time. You don't cook and bake all the time either and you love doing those too.

It's okay to blog all the time. ;)

It's okay to ruin your own appetite. I mean, who would have thought sunflower kernels can ruin an appetite?

I have something awesome in store for you guys tomorrow so make sure to check back! Hint: $100.


  1. These posts are the highlight of my thursdays, love hearing your witty thought, they always make me smile.

  2. Inspiring and good-humoured post, made me smile! :) JanM you're awesome!! <3

  3. I didn't buy any clothes or nail polish in January either!

    It's not only okay to cheer for yourself, it's recommended! Have a great Thursday.

  4. Haha I love these and my favorite is the cookie batter rule!

  5. I never do my laundry and fold my laundry on the same day. That's just too much laundry in one day!

    7% Solution​

  6. Please tell me your hubby is not one of those guys that always tries to gain weight?! Is that what you mean by "opposite of your fitness goals"? How are girls suppose to lose weight when guys constantly want to eat! I mean come on now, hungry eyes!

    I'm with you on the cheating on the diets! It IS okay to cheat on the diet. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and following!

    --Jaime @

  7. no new clothes?! that's amazing!

  8. Yay for it's okay to buy new clothes! AMEN! :)

  9. definitely OK to not blog all the time! :) Blog when you want and what you want, lady! :)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  10. Gotta love water weight! I have about 5 pounds of water waight.:)

  11. This is really true! There are days that it's ok to commit mistakes and do our guilty pleasures and we should not stress ourselves about it :) Great post dear!

