It's Okay to be Different

Its Ok Thursdays
Here or Here
So apprently, I'm all about link ups this week! I guess it's safe to say that I have missed blogging regularly and linking up? :)

I only have ONE it's okay statement for this week and it's...

It's okay to be different.

I tell myself this all the time because in the past couple of weeks, I've realized that I'm kind of different from a lot of people around me. The only few people that I feel I can resonate with are my mom and my sister. Yeah, go figure. LOL!

Let me tell you how I my thought process was when Ron asked me for what I wanted for Christmas.

I would like a pair of new Tory Burch flats but I'm sure I would never wear them because I heard they hurt the shit our of your feet.

I would like a Louis Vuitton purse but I'd rather get Salad Master pots and pans - still impractical but at least it's more useful.

I would like a Mercedes Benz but I'd rather drive my Mazda or trade it in for a Sonata because they are more efficient (oh and I heard some bad things historically about MB).

I would like to try Mastro's but paying over $100 for dinner for two sounds ridiculous.

I would like to own an iPad but seirously, what would I do with it - we have 3 laptops at home, 3 smartphones and a tablet.

I would like to try all the restaurants around our neighborhood but I'd rather go grocery shopping and make dinner for my husband. (I just said husband, I love saying husband *giggles*.)

As superficial as this county I'm living in is, I find myself rowing my boat to the opposite way, deviating from what everyone likes and just going with what I like. Don't get me wrong, I am a self-confessed trend follower but I always tend to just do things my way because...through my niece's words, "I don't want to be like the others" most of the time.



  1. Hi Jan, I enjoyed reading through this post, and I admire your choices, most people would have went for the first things you've mentioned, its so great that you think things through properly and decisively, its a talent actually, far better than being impetuous!

  2. I like this post!

    And I love my Sonata!

    I march to the beat of my own drummer, do and say what I want when I want. It's lovely.

  3. So wisely said. :) And that's how we all should be; unique.

    x Have a nice weekend - with the husband . (Oh I'd love to say / write "hubby", it's such a cute nickname that I've seen people use. And boyfriend sounds a bit wrong since we live together, and common-law husband is sooo long .. =D)

    Indie by heart

  4. thank you for your lovely comment, following back :)

  5. lmao.... I had a I Pad because all me friends had one! I never used it and finally sold it on craigs list.. I say it is 100% ok to be different. I would much rather be different than the same as everyone else! Very cute blog looking forward to following!

  6. you definitely don't have to keep up with the trend but i mean sometimes it's good to splurge on yourself no matter how useless or unnecessary it is. don't hesitate to make yourself happy sometimes regardless of how unpractical it is. :D


  7. oh im totally the same way! i go as far as thinking i don't need to shop at the mall for cute clothes but can hunt for vintage. though one thing i almost can never say no to is a delicious dinner. i havent splurged $50 for one too many times, but afterward i can't even feel guilty because it's sooo good haha. and good for you for not falling into the materialistic trap :)

  8. It is getting increasingly difficult to be different in this world. Some people have so much my son's friends. And he wants it all too. But we aren't going to give him everything he wants just because his friends have it. Why does a 10-year-old need an iPhone?
