In and Out

I've been in and out of blogging for a couple of weeks now. I'm pretty sure I'm not losing interest entirely, I think I just want and need to take a break from getting stuck in front of my laptop at night. Sometimes I feel like doing other time-consuming things like reading, watching TV and baking. I guess I'm trying to balance out the things I love doing instead of getting stuck with just one of them.

I have also been in and out of working out and eating healthy. I think I can officially say I'm done with Power90 because it already gave me what I needed. LOL I'll still do the exercise from time to time though.

I am on Bloglovin too. Follow me? #PrettyPlease Please also leave me your Bloglovin link so I can follow you back!
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I really, really like taking days off. I took Friday off last week with Ron thinking my our family from Chicago would be in LA but their trip got postponed. So we spent the day doing things I've been wanting to do. Days like this remind me of how lucky I am to be married to a guy like Ron. He's always willing to hear out what I want to do. This should be in another blog post :)

Every Monday, I always look miserable, like I had the WORST weekend ever. However. That's actually not the case. My weekends are always great. Too great to end. #WhyAreWeekendsAlwaysTooShort

Please excuse my tweets about the Lakers. I'm a fan. #SorryNotSorry