When All Else Fails, Turn to Japanese

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I was feeling a little negative last weekend. Probably because of the fact that I feel like I worked way too much last week and female hormones... I think it's the latter. I was very snappy all weekend, thank you Lord for a very understanding boyfriend. He knows well enough that when I say I am not interested in doing something, I am not doing it. LOL. I was also having an allergic reaction which I have yet to go to the doctor's office to get checked but I think I figured it out... I'm allergic to the fabric softener Ron uses. He helped me with laundry at his place last week and since then I've been getting itchy spots on my skin with little bumps which I treat with lotion or anything that would moisturize it and it fades in a few minutes. It was horrible dealing with it for a week and more horrible that I need to redo the laundry. :(

Oh by the way, we ate Japanese food ALL weekend. Hence the title!

Anyway, here's when we did last weekend...

I've been wanting to do this since November! ;)

What Ron? LOL

Success! Haha!
Blades. I uploaded this shot on Instagram. :)
First time at Daikokuya! I was not very impressed though.
Ramen Jinya is still THE BEST.

While waiting for his fries at Potato Corner.
This little girl was SO CUTE! And she's wearing Kobes! :)
Got these 2 dresses from FC.
I need to lose more weight to look better in them. ;)
Then ofcourse, dinner at Sushi Mac.
Octopus hand rolls are to die for!
Hope you all had a great weekend!