You Should Date a Girl Who... You Should Date a Guy Who...

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I’ve been seeing a trend on articles and blogs about who people should be dating. Well one tip, if you want a happy relationship, be like me and my boyfriend. ;)

Taken one afternoon when we wanted to watch different shows.
I was using his tablet hence the headphones. :)

Date a girl who...
Has her own hobbies
Knows how to cook
Makes jokes at the expense of herself
Shows interest in you
Pays attention to your behavior
Helps you become a better person – sometimes saying things that your mom will say
Fixes your hair
Ends conversations with a kiss
Adores quiet time with you… while you’re sleeping
Let’s you decide who decides
Knows how to take care of you
Eats with you everywhere
Willing to be your DD
Surprises you
Is happy

Date a guy who...
Likes hanging out with you
Loves to make you laugh
Listens to you
Gives you a hard time sometimes
Knows how to take care of himself but loves being taken care of 
Tells you the truth when you ask about your weight
Will only be cheesy with you
Understands PMS
Tries his way out of trouble with you by making you laugh at the expense of himself
Baby talks then laughs at himself
Gives you the puppy face
Surprises you
Is happy