Friday Funday

Well, first things first, a lot of you have been asking about the GM Diet. It's a weight loss program created by General Motors for their employees to help them stay fit. It's 7 days long and you have to eat only certain types of food each day. Click HERE for more details. :)

We were sent home from work early today so I got to have lunch
with these beautiful people (that includes the boyf)!
While at Nike, I picked a pair for the bf and when I found him in another aisle, he already has the exact same one. Thought it was cute so I took a picture ;)
Felt the need to take a quick photo while waiting for the bf while he
was shopping at Lacoste
Since the bf was taking so long at Lacoste, I decided to go to Banana Republic and leave him there :p Here are the stuff I tried on.
The bf surprised me with this when we got home to his apartment! So happy :)

Okay, gotta go and convince the bf to start packing for our quick San Diego trip!
Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Easter!