Dear Body Parts

Okay, so today I will be this lunatic talking to my body parts. K? ;)

Dear Hair,
Thanks for growing nicely and for being even nicer that I did not have to condition you everyday.

Dear Legs,
I hope you're feeling better with my 3-week long streak of not wearing pants!

Dear Gluteus Maximus,
Sorry if you've been sore all the time, I just really want to tone you up so you get stronger.

Dear  Tummy,
You look funny. Hahaha! But seriously, you've been literally catching all the excess fat I've been shoving in my mouth and for that I'm sorry. I promise you, I'll be better.

Dear Ears,
Thanks for being so patient.

Dear Mind,
Thank you for not exploding. But please, stop sending signals that I am craving something! Haha.

Dear Eyes,
Why do you have bags and why do you seem to have a shadow under you? 8 hours not enough? :(

Dear Right Hand,
Don't worry, someone will be holding you in less than 24 hours!

Dear Liver,
You're welcome. No, I don't like drinking anymore and like I promised, I will never abuse you anymore. If I ever do, sue me.

Dear Feet,
You both have been very spoiled lately! ;)

Dear Mouth,
We'll be eating sandwiches from Portos today! :)

Dear Body,
Things will be better.

Alright now I'm done, don't forget to link up HERE and have a great weekend :)



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