Hey It's Monday!

It's Monday and I'm currently getting over the fact that the weekend is over and I'm a few hours closer to going to my first ever Yoga class. I have my change of clothes in a pink (of course!) bag next to me and I keep on looking at it. I would actually use my gym bag to a fitness class! Thank you Groupon for the 20 yoga classes that I got for $45 :)

Okay so the weekend... it was a lot of shopping. Oh loverboy, why must you live so close to an outlet?
✔ yoga/workout stuff haul - because well, having them is enough motivation for me
✔ socks - because there is currently a REALLY high divorce rate of socks
✔ pink Oakley Frogskins - because they're so light and they don't slide down my tiny nose.
✔ shirts for lazy summer days - because they look cute in shorts
✔ nail polishes - because there is always a need for new shades and they were buy 2 get 1 free.

Heeeey! It's the loverboy! :)

Oh, we also did a lot of lounging around with our friends + friends' kids! Of course, I was again obsessed with the littlest one who already got so big after I last saw her! :)

Kids (+ loverboy) chowing down tacos while talking about basketball.
Smiling little girl :)
The entree on the plate was sizzling so he was trying to blow out the smoke. Cute? Definitely.
Loverboy and littlest boy on tablets.

The $50 Shabby Apple gift card giveaway is ending tonight so make sure you get that last tweet out form the rafflecopter!

Can't wait to read and reply to the emails I received last weekend. I haven't checked them but just wanted to let you all know that I know they're there :)