Weekend Blur

Last weekend was a blur. Partly because of alcohol and also it flew by too fast despite the long days and the even longer nights.

My bestfriend and cousin came over on Friday night and we had drinks. Later on, our friend called us and said that he needed a place to crash. LOL After a hefty taxi bill, he was in our house, safe but not very sound. Hahaha!

Then we drove up 40 miles north to visit our friend's new house. It was so pretty and we're so proud of her purchasing house at such a young age! So awesome! Even Fox loved the house, he was running up and down the stairs an kept sniffing all of the house's corners. Oh and of course that drive wouldn't be worth it without another late night of drinking.

After the overnight festivities and Ron's Sunday brunch with our friends (because I was too tired and hungover to go out and felt bad about leavin Fox), we drove back to meet with Ron's family at our house and spend the day with them. We did a bit of shopping too. Look at me try on this XL sweater from the kids department at Old Navy. :)

The weekend was fun but it was so fucking tiring. I tried to convince the Ron to take the day off but unfortunately, he couldn't. Now I am here at home, nursing my still tired body, blogging while still looking for a job.


  1. ah the joy of weekends. hahaha... i haven't drunk that much to have a hangover in a long ass time. drink lots of h2o and vitamin b!

  2. haha your not meant to admit its the alcohols fault! Sounds like it was a lot of fun and thats what lifes all about after all :)
