We've Already Been Tricked + Last Minute Costume

Ron and I have already been tricked today by no other than Chippy, the poop and pee culprit! I woke up with number 2 by the bedroom door and number 1 next to it. I guess no more rawhide for the little monster.

On the brighter side, I have a last minute costume idea if you are still on the hunt for a good costume. All you need is a chambray top, a red bandana, hairpins and red lipstick. Now who doesn't have that at home? Well, maybe the red bandana is not for everyone but you can always cut a triangle from that old red T-shirt you have not worn for years at the bottom of your closet, right? Presenting, Rosie the Riveter!


I know, I am missing the hand holding the sleeve but I was holding the "trick" in a bag in my other hand so I can take it out. Haha! Anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :D