Busy, Busy, Busy

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It has been a busy, busy holiday season for us. From our annual Christmas party with our friends whom we met from Ron's basketball leagues from years ago, to multiple parties with either of our families to an afternoon at Knott's Merry Farm to a quick trip to San Diego. I would love to share everything at once but I'm afraid that would be an overkill and will definitely slow down your computer as my post loads. With all that said, here are some tidbits!
12/19: Our 5th annual couple picture at our annual holiday party in Fontana. 
12/20: For the first time ever, we made an effort in setting the table for our family holiday dinner. :)
12/21: Doggies giving each other love as they rest and recover from the busy two days we just had.
12/24: They were confused as to why we had a rug in the middle of the house. 
12/25: A picture of one of Ron's tricky presents. I shake gifts too much that he felt obligated to do this.  
12/26: Taken in one of the little (overpriced) stores at Knott's Merry Farm.
Ron and I wish everyone had a busy yet fun holiday season with your loved ones and a fruitful new year as well!