Random Thursday

How is it only Thursday? I woke up today thinking it was Friday. I already want it to be Friday, then the boyfriend can come over so we can spend some time and go on dates and hold each others' hands and stuff like that. But yeah, one day to go! :D

The yoga studio I go to is right next to and shares a parking lot with Popeye's and across the street from Wienerschnitzel so everytime I get out of there, my mind tells me I'm hungry which is no bueno because, uhm duh, I just worked out. Like one of the things I read on Pinterest said: Don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog. Makes sense right?

My work out gets easier everyday... or maybe I should say I get better everyday. Awww yeah!

I can't stop thinking of the slipless headband from Lululemon. I'm thinking about going to the store today after work before I go to Yoga or maybe tomorrow. To buy or not to buy?


I was thinking of things to do this weekend and all I kind of want to do involves being in workout clothes. I swear, I've been living in workout clothes and skirts/dresses in the past week.

Speaking of dresses, I really want to take advantage of F21's BOGO on sale items and their free shipping for orders over $50 on my payday but knowing that I'll be fitter in the next couple of weeks is making me think twice about buying new clothes. What do you think?
Okay so, what's up with you guys? Any exciting plans for the weekend? :)