Watches - You can never go wrong with a good watch just make sure it's his style. I found that has a great variety of styles. If ever you decide to purchase though, make sure to check if they have the same watch available. Why? Because they usually sell watches at a cheaper price.
A Good Pair of Shoes - I married to a guy who has a thing for shoes. A big thing for shoes. I am pretty sure he has more pairs than I do considering I just purged my closet of old, unused shoes that I have no idea why I have been keeping. Anyway, I always find amazing shoes for guys at The site recently held a sale for John Varvatos shoes and they were amazing!
Kindle Fire HD - I know, not everyone reads and almost everyone has a tablet but if your guy is a big reader, this little thing will be well appreciated. The capabilities of Kindles have evolved so much ever since it was first released so do not underestimate this little gadget. You can get them at or Best Buy if you will.
Cool iPhone Cases - There are tons at that are beyond cool.
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