Bohemian Medallion Print Dress

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Dress: Kmart (Now only $8!). Sandals: Payless (now only $7!). Necklace: Rocksbox (click here to get a free month or enter the code JANMLOVESXOXO). 
My "tan" has reached a different level this year. LOL This picture was taken a week after coming back from Chicago though where we walked under the summer sun to explore from dawn till dusk.

Now let's talk about this dress. I got it from Kmart from Adam Levine's line, a store we rarely visit and a brand I never thought would actually exist. There were other cute stuff though but I had to pump the brakes on buying clothes because I have too many unworn ones right now. And also, I am really trying to cut down on spending. Oh and I am happy to announce that I bought my first item from Rocksbox! It's the diamond bar gold necklace that I absolutely became a huge fan of. :D

Now in real life news, Ron and I spent our morning and lunch time with his parents today. Unfortunately, they had to leave early for his dad's work...while we were napping so I did not get to say bye. We tried to be more productive today but only ended up going to the market to buy dinner to grill. Tomorrow needs to be better. Seriously. This laziness is terrible and bliss at the same time. Haha!

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