Aaaand It's Monday... Again

So last weekend, we braved the movies to watch the Dark Knight Rises, the emergency exit door and everyone who enters the theater. I'd say it was too long, the production was impressive but there was too much lag time. The movie could have been much shorter in my opinion and Christian Bale has perfectly chapped lips and Anne Hathaway, why you gotta be so pretty? Haha ;)

Now time for some snaps!

Packed these two Saturday morning, of course I would not close the bag so they can 'breathe.'
Froggy, the toy Ron and I won at the OC Fair a couple of years ago and
Biggie, the elephant mom gave me on my 8th birthday.

After watching Batman on Saturday night, was just had to take this picture after realizing
we've become 'that' couple ;)

Sleeping 2-month-old Marilaena and little 8-month-old Brielle :)
Sunday. Insane.
I had the WORST headache I've ever had last night. At first I though I was just having a too much sugar headache after eating M&Ms with pretzels. But after church and dinner, it got waaaay worse and I threw up. So glad the boyf is a darling and took care of me all night. Not the best way to end the weekend but oh well, my nurse was pretty awesome and patient :) Thanks lovey <3

How as your weekend? :)

miscellany monday at lowercase letters
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