Last Weekend of 2014

This has been an overdue post. Last Christmas, Ron had nothing in his wish list. Well, he had one but he came up with it a week before Christmas but that’s not usually how lists work because that is too soon in my opinion since I’m always done shopping a week or two before Christmas.

The best idea that I came up with (me thinks) was to book a hotel in one of our most favorite cities. Fortunately, it’s only a two-hour drive away---duration I don’t mind driving. So on the weekend after Christmas, off to SD we went, dropped off the dogs and did our thing.  I already shared about Phil’s BBQ which was BOMB.  Then we walked around Pacific Beach and met with one of Ron’s (almost like) life-long friend and watched the sunset with him (which reminds me, we need to put that time lapse together).

After which, we checked in and headed to the Modern Times brewery to try a few brews, bought carne asada fries from a local place, picked up the dogs from doggy day camp and went back to the hotel and got the free drinks from the hotel’s bar to drink in our room.

We had a quiet morning walk with the dogs on Sunday morning around Old Town SD and had brunch at the Burger Lounge in Hillcrest. Take note: the walk around Hillcrest was not all. They barked at every dog they saw. These two need socialization training again.

It was such a wonderful and relaxing weekend for us, away from things that have become too familiar and mundane. We came back feeling refreshed and ready for the new year.