Friday's Letters: Dear People

Dear Mom, I'll miss our after work chats and arguments. We're only a phone call away from each other so that shouldn't be a problem. I can still call to ask you about everything and where you think I put something that I couldn't find. Like people say, moms know best!
Dear Sister and Sister-in-Law, I'll miss waiting for you so I can tell the same story I've been waiting to tell mom so I only have to tell it once.
Dear Boyfriend, this is it, we're getting the keys later!
Dear Friends Since Kindergarten, you guys are the best. Taller one, thanks for staying up for me all the time. Shorter one, I always get excited when we get to text because through the years, the way we talked to each other didn't really change.
Dear Friend from Texas, you already missed the Virgin America flight sale! Nooooo!
Dear Best Friend, I always giggle when I IM with you because I can imagine your facial expressions!
Dear Flying Friend, I haven't talked to you in a whiiiiile! 
Dear Blogger Friends, you guys are awesome. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sorry for not being as visible like I used to. Just a heads up, we won't be getting our internet connected in our new place until August 4th. Yes people, no internet at home for a week.


Have a good weekend everyone!

Throwback Thursday

As I was packing the other night, I came across some photos from 5 years ago.

I had full bangs.
I was was 10 pounds lighter.
I was young.

Fast forward to today.
 I have long, unrecognizable bangs.
I am 10 pounds heavier.
I am still young.

Now my moving update (because that's what I've been doing for the past week).

My sister and I are almost done packing.
Check out what we've done to our living room. 

And this is what's in my room.

We're using garbage bags so it's easier to pack, carry and unpack. I've already loaded 6 of those in my car, and there are 6-8 more at home. Plus several boxes. Plus three under the bed containers. Tonight is my last night to pack so I REALLY need to just leave what I'm going to wear on Saturday. Oh and I also need to do my laundry. Yes. It's going to be a busy night!

Can't wait to get settle and have time to blog at our new place! :)

Aaaand It's Monday... Again

So last weekend, we braved the movies to watch the Dark Knight Rises, the emergency exit door and everyone who enters the theater. I'd say it was too long, the production was impressive but there was too much lag time. The movie could have been much shorter in my opinion and Christian Bale has perfectly chapped lips and Anne Hathaway, why you gotta be so pretty? Haha ;)

Now time for some snaps!

Packed these two Saturday morning, of course I would not close the bag so they can 'breathe.'
Froggy, the toy Ron and I won at the OC Fair a couple of years ago and
Biggie, the elephant mom gave me on my 8th birthday.

After watching Batman on Saturday night, was just had to take this picture after realizing
we've become 'that' couple ;)

Sleeping 2-month-old Marilaena and little 8-month-old Brielle :)
Sunday. Insane.
I had the WORST headache I've ever had last night. At first I though I was just having a too much sugar headache after eating M&Ms with pretzels. But after church and dinner, it got waaaay worse and I threw up. So glad the boyf is a darling and took care of me all night. Not the best way to end the weekend but oh well, my nurse was pretty awesome and patient :) Thanks lovey <3

How as your weekend? :)

miscellany monday at lowercase letters
Join us today at Lowercase Letters!

Project HOPE

I've always wanted to blog about a non-profit organization and one of my co-workers has been working with one so I thought I'd write about it. Project HOPE, works to make health care available for people around the globe. If you guys follow me on Twitter, you've probably seen me tweet about them :)

Here's their most recent installment of their series of short films documenting their work. The film tells the story of HOPE volunteer and physical therapist Claude Hillel. Having seen the devastation that immediately followed the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and lost several of his relatives in the disaster, Claude left New York and traveled to the battered country where he would change countless lives for the better amidst unimaginable destruction.

Take a moment to watch, and spread HOPE by sharing the video to Facebook, Twitter or by email.

You can find Project HOPE here:

Dear Moments

Disclaimer: I started this humorous post (as I would like to think) yesterday, before the horrible shooting in Aurora, CO happened. I certainly do not want to appear insensitive about the current issue. My family and I are deeply saddened by what happened. We are praying for all of the victims' families for strength to carry on and for everyone's safety. I'm actually hesitant about posting this but I think we all now need something to bring our Friday spirits up and everyone deserves a reason to smile.

Okay, so here goes...

To that moment when you get really great news and the number one person you'd like to tell is not picking up his/her damn phone.
Why do you always happen to me? And whenever I'm calling when I have a stupid question to ask, someone ALWAYS picks up.

To that moment when you slowly close the door so you have time to think if you forgot something and when you finally shut it, you realize your house keys and clicker are not in the carabiner you're holding.
I hope I'm not the only one that had this happen to her/him!

To that moment when your friends ask you about something on Facebook and you say "I haven't seen it!" and you're the only one left behind.
You're so awkward! I'm waiting for that day that someone I am actually "Unsubscribed" to posts something interesting and someone would ask me about it. HAHAHA!
To that moment when you realize you didn't buy any snacks when you went to the grocery store.
I wish I could turn back time. Thank God for the newly built Walgreens and their dollar cookies! Actually it's 10 cookies for a dollar and I cannot stop eating them. They're chewy and a little salty at the same time. IT'S WORTH THE TRY! :)
To that moment when you've submitted a PTO request a month ahead and because someone needs to take one of the days you picked, you HAVE to come to work on that day. What happened to seniority and first come, first served? :(
You made me sad but I think it's fine. My coworker's parents are in town that day and I don't think he's seen them in a while. I know the feeling of not having your parents close by so I understand how important it is.
To that moment when you know that your knees are getting weaker but you're still doing what you did to make it feel that way.
Stubborn. I will change my workout routine, I promise.
To that moment when you're craving for every food you think about and you say yes to every invite to lunch out or walk to Ralphs.
 My tummy and taste buds love you but the rest of my body, especially my waist does not like you very much.
To that moment when you realize there's so much room in your closet without winter clothes.
I'll be better this year with my choice with my coats and other winter stuff! I'll pick classic pieces this time :)
To that moment when you're not able to sleep well because you cannot stop thinking about your new place.
Thanks for this, I have been unconsciously (did I spell that right?) falling asleep for the past few nights, my body is definitely making up for all the sleep I've missed!

To that moment when you wake up in the middle of the night but you don't want to check your phone and find out it's 3am - the hour when ghosts come out. And they say that when you wake up at that hour without any reason (no alarms or anything), a spirit woke you up.
 You suck! Why do you always have to happen? I sometimes feel like I need to run to my mom's room. Thankfully, I will soon be sleeping next to the boyf! HAHAHA

To that moment when you ask yourself how you came up with the idea to write moments letters.
Uhm, seriously. How?

Hoping everyone has a safe weekend.


Hi all, today's post is brought by They recently reached out to ask if they can do a post through my blog. When I learned that it's going to be about an affordable shopping guide, my exact thought was: why not?

Affordable Summer Fashion Guide

We all love the familiar feeling that summer is on its way. Nothing is quite as satisfying as swapping the boots for flip flops, scarves for swimsuit, and winter coat for light and breezy summer fabrics. For some people, however, an entire wardrobe change – not just for themselves, but often for the whole family – can be a bit of a daunting prospect.

A complete spring and summer make-over can potentially be a pricey experience. And it’s little wonder, with some popular high street stores charging an arm and a leg for even the most basic items.

The good news is that it certainly doesn’t have to be this way. If you know where to look, there is affordable summer fashion available in stores and online, without having to compromise on quality.

So, what are the best fashion tips for making your money go further this season?

Dress It Up or Down

If you’re short on funds, make sure every item is diverse enough to be dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. One of the best examples of this is the maxi dress. The loose structure and flowing fabric is perfect for hot summer days, and it can easily be transformed into a classic evening look with the right accessories. A perfect accessory for budget shoppers is a light summer scarf. It can be worn as a funky headscarf in the day, and can add a splash of colour to the most basic evening outfit.

One style of summer dress that stays on-trend every season is the classic floral. All the floral dresses available in the Littlewoods’ Joe Browns collection are fun and feminine, and won’t bankrupt the family.

Mix and Match

Old items can always be given a breath of fresh air with a bit of a mix-and-match approach. And don’t just stop at your own wardrobe. Borrowing the boyfriend’s old shirt looks super sexy with skinny jeans and killer heels.

Investment Buying

When the budget is tight, it’s always tempting to opt for the super cheap high street items – regardless of quality and make. This season, instead of heading straight to the budget stores, why not consider an investment purchase that will last until next season, instead of only next week? Make sure it’s a timeless piece that never goes out of style – denim shorts are always going to be popular when the sun comes out.

Link Up: Me, Myself & I

Soooo, I decided to link up today with the Me, Myself & I link up party!

1. What is your biggest phobia?
Nope, not spiders. It's losing people in my life. I just cannot imagine going through life without them you know. Getting into a huge crash and injuring someone comes after this in my phobia list.

2. If you could relive any day of your life, what would it be and why?
I don't remember the exact day but that would be the last time I saw my grandpa. I would always wake up in the morning, sit next to him, lay down in the space behind him and the couch and hug him. THAT MOMENT.

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

5, when my biggest problem was that I couldn't find my Barbie's left shoe.

4. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? 

Nobody but people say I look like Ciara Sotto, a Filipina celebrity.

5. What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
Shake It Out by Florence and the Machines
As Lovers Go by Dashboard Confessional
Amazed by Lonestar
You and Me by Lifehouse
Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant
Head Over Feet by Alanis Morisette
Canon in G by Pachelbel
Always Love by Nada Surf

Click on the image to learn more :)

A Different Kind of Shopping

As you all know (unless you're as busy as me and wasn't able to go around blogs), the boyf and I are moving in together, found a place we love and got it! Right after signing the lease last Saturday, we both had one thing in mind: we need to shop. Thank God, we're both deal hunters (he's the better one) and I don't think we got anything in full price except for the little things from Ikea. :)

Double Hang Closet Rods are one of man's best inventions.

Got it for $30 but it's priced at $145 here

Got it for $20 but it's priced at $92 here.
We got it just because we might need it. I'm starting to think that we should have gotten another one just because. Haha :)

On another note, even if it's already midday here in the west coast...

Now you all have a great week!

Friday's Love Letter

Valentine's Day 2010.

Dear Loveryboy,

This week has been huge for us and we'll be signing the first document we're signing together soon! I'm really excited and a little scared that I'll run out of things to cook but I guess we'll cross the bridge when we get there. ;) In a couple of weeks, we'll be under one roof every night and won't have to drive super many miles to see each other. Don't you love that? We can make fun of each other all the time now, not just in the weekends. And hey, we won't have text and IM misunderstandings anymore because we can just tell each other stuff in person.

All my love,


Love Sophia Bush

Love her top. Love her skirt (I swear, I've developed my interest in owning more faux leather bottoms since I bought my Forever21 leather shorts). Love her outfit.

Love her.

Can I take a picture with you? I reeeally love One Tree Hill.
Sure! *puts her hand on my back*

And again, another reason to love LA :)

Summer Shoes

It's been a while since I've written something about shoes on my blog so here. Barratts reached out to me asking if they can be a sponsor of my blog. I honestly have never heard of the store but when I visited their site and found some great items, of course, yes was my answer!

I went through their sale section which has items that are up to 70% off, and found these pretty ones that are perfect for summer! I've asked if they ship outside of the UK and I'll let you know what I find! :)

blue | green | red | coral
Click here to start shopping: shoes uk

 My personal favorite pair is the red sandals! Which one is yours? :)

A Taste of the Past

A Friday out with my friends was just what I needed to temporarily forget about our apartment hunting was like a little window to my past life when I would work hard and really party harder. It was also my first time to wear faux leather shorts ;)

Top: Fashion Q
Bandeau and Shorts: Forever21 (not my size but I HAD to get it)
Shoes: Just Fab
Clutch: Steve Madden

Saturday was another story, we were 40 minutes late to our 9am appointment. I used the QUICKEST way to get dressed - I wore a dress. The yellow one which is now my new favorite. Unbutton, unzip, slide in, zip, button. Done. We went home for a nap after that and then drove to a friend's house to have a UFC party.
This was Ron super duper knocked out on my friend's couch while I
was chatting two of our bestest guy pals at 3am.

Anywaaaay,  the boyfriend and I just got approved for the condo we waaaant! I'm ecstatic! Again, thanks for the tips everyone! Alright, time to look for closet organizers! :)

The winner for the $20 SkincareRx, Apothica or SkinBotanica Gift Card Giveaway is Jill. Congrats girl :)

Ray of Sunshine


Sugarlips sent me a dress (of my choice) last week! I picked the Fields of Sunflower dress because it seems so hard to find a perfect yellow dress at the mall...or am I the only one having that problem? Wore it with my animal print flats (from Target) to give the simple outfit a wild side and my RayBan aviators.


This week, I've been blessed with an 18-hour work week. This means more me time and more time to look for our future home! Thanks to everyone who gave tips, I agree with a lot of you, we do prefer places with a washer and a dryer. Can't wait till this is over so I can actually interact with other blogs!

Just in case you're wondering, my 4th of July was great! Spent it with my family at a family friend's house. It just made more sense to spend it with them since I have not been spending 4th of July with them AND well, they're my family! ;)

Adult Stuff: Apartment Hunting + Partying

So this is not my typical Monday post where I talk about my weekend.

If you're following me on Twitter, you probably caught my tweet where I talked about how being an adult sucks sometimes. That tweet roots from my mixed emotions about looking for an apartment in an unfamiliar territory. I think we got a hold of it though, we pretty much drove around the same area the WHOLE weekend. It was fun but choosing between seeing more apartments and eating was tough. LOL

I already lifted our budget a couple hundred bucks more to get what we want for our apartment. Apparently, I have a pretty high standard now as the loverboy would say. Haha! We need want:
2 bedrooms - because we like having guests over instead of going out and we need extra closet space
windows - because it just feels more welcoming
nice parking spots w/ storage - because I'm paranoid about getting mobbed while I'm carrying my groceries and he drives a pretty nice car
even distance - between his work and my work
lots of parking - for guests
a refrigerator - because we don't want to go through the trouble of spending more $$$ for a fridge
Central AC - because we both like the cold. I'm sure you could only see me say, "It's so cold" smiling while jumping on the couch or bed, getting under a blanket with the loverboy. ;)

Now here are the stats:
Apartments we REALLY like: 3 (one reminds of our house in Manila)
Over-budget: 1
Visited: 15+
Weeks to go: 1-2

Does anybody have any tips for looking at apartments?

In other news...we got our fill of loads of fun Saturday night with our friends to celebrate one of my close friends' birthday. Close like if he were a girl, he'll be a bridesmaid, got it? Okay. He made me drink jager bomb, I can handle the taste but thinking that I had that... #neveragain. I'd rather have a light beer ;)
Cardigan/Whatever and Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Dress: Forever 21
Sandals: ANGL
Yes, finally I got to show an outfit. LOL
Our office was kind enough to give us a day of either before or after 4th of July and got July 5th off! Oh and I just got a meeting invite for a company lunch today :)Yay!